Roundtable Discussion With Chicago Activist and Mayoral Candidate Ja’Mal Green

While on a field study in Chicago to learn about what divides us as humans and ways to unite us in spite of those differences, 10th graders at Tahoe Expedition Academy had a roundtable discussion with activist and mayoral candidate Ja'Mal Green.

It was captured on video and we’re proud to share it with you all. While we don’t anticipate that everyone will watch it in its entirety (except maybe for these students’ families and friends) their discussion with Ja’Mal heats up right at the beginning. Give it a look.

The students are looking at the biological differences and comparing those to the sociological differences in people while determining the best ways to bring individuals and groups together to make us all stronger. We appreciate Ja’mal for taking the time to meet and engage with our students. These memories leave lasting impacts on our students, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

To learn more about Ja’Mal Green and his campaign please visit his website: