Introducing the 2018-19 TEA Student Council
Meet our elected student representatives and learn why they ran for student council and what they hope to accomplish.
Student Body President: Jack Loughan
I promise to integrate more fun activities for our student body to participate in together. These activities will add a more “fun” aspect to our spare time as a school. It will also unify ourselves as a school. I am also trying to make it easier to shape our curriculum to the best of interest to satisfy our student body. I am here for the students, so what they want is what I want.
Student Body Vice President: Johan Sotelo
I decided to run for student council this year so that I could add more fun and engaging activities for the entire middle and high school. I also want to make sure that the student body has a voice in their school. This year I would love to have more spirit days, fundraisers for our school, and service projects that everyone can part take in.
Middle School Representative: Ty Chapman
I hope to install vending machines and multi-use goals on the field. I think that the vending machines would be helpful for hungry students who don’t have lunch and have to mooch food off of people to fulfill their hunger. Goals would be great for playing sports like lacrosse and soccer during the break. I also stated that I would try to carry out any other requests that are given by a large enough number of students.
High School Representative: Kira Baker
I ran for student council so that I could make a bigger positive impact at TEA. This year I would love to implement more service projects, fun activities for upper school, and create awesome spirit weeks and days. I also want to know that 100% of the student body is heard and that we are trying our best to act upon the requests from the student body to make life at TEA more fun and engaging.
High School Representative: Bryce Dettering
I ran for student council because I aim to serve. I believe I have the experience and skills to excel as the 11/12th-grade crew representative, and I think that I can do general good by the students of Tahoe Expedition Academy. While I serve in student council, I hope to improve accessibility between the student body and the student government. My outstanding goal is to rid the disconnect between the students of the school and the select few who represent them.
High School Representative: Beck Marshall
I ran for student council because I wanted more experience pitching ideas in a political environment, so that way if I’m ever in that situation I will know what to do. In my letter of intent, I stated that I would like students to guide the learning process by taking surveys before the turn of the semester. The polls would allow students to conduct the way they would want to be taught.
High School Representative: Liv Mason
I ran because I wanted to make an impact on TEA through student council, I wanted to be a part of the effect the student council was making at TEA. I hope to help student council become more involved in the community outside of TEA, as well as have a greater input in TEA events. I want to make an impact, but I want to help TEA’s student body make an impact as well.
High School Representative: Gianna Putnam
I ran for student council because I have an eye for innovation, and I believe that I have the vision to execute our high school’s needs throughout the year. I promise to bond and grow our community through spirit and extracurricular activities, think clubs as well as school dances. I hope to have the students wanting to get involved with the significant ideas and experiences we create in the student council, and I know this is a feasible goal I will accomplish in my time served.
High School Representative: Caroline Sandberg
I joined the student council to be more involved with the school by helping make decisions and completing proposals from the student body. I promised to follow through with all concepts. Some of the ideas were teams and clubs. Although the students can put these together themselves, I would help get others involved. Also, vending machines were a popular idea, so we will try to purchase one with healthy options.