Pre-K Science Photo Gallery
What better way to understand the literal meaning of "kind heart" than by examining actual hearts!
Our Pre-K kiddos are getting to know themselves, their friends and their school community through their “Forever YOUng” thematic lens. As you know, many of us have lost the art of face to face communication due to technology. During this study, students are focusing on reconnecting within their class, school, and community through conversation, story, and song. Their learning targets include:
– I can be kind.
– I can be a good listener.
– I can be respectful.
Their class mantra is “kind thoughts, kind words, kind heart,” and what better way to understand the literal meaning of “kind heart” than by examining actual hearts! A huge thank you to our HS Program Science Teacher Jessica Svoboda for spending some time with the Pre-K crew recently for a little Pre-K science!
Under Jessica’s close supervision, the Pre-K kids used a microscope to look at their own cells and listened to their hearts with a stethoscope. They also looked at sheep’s brains, hearts, and eyes. How cool is that!!! Enjoy the photo gallery. And a very special thank you to TEA Parent and Photo TEAm member Minmyo Kim for documenting the experience.