Halloween at TEA Photo Gallery

Goblins, Ghosts and Ghouls, Oh my!

Halloween is definitely a favorite at TEA, and this year just might have been the best ever. Thank you to TAP and TEA Student Council for organizing an AWESOME Halloween morning for our students! And congrats to the TEA Student Council for putting on their first assembly of the year.

We loved seeing the campus full of goblins and ghouls. There were conga lines, costume parties, and pumpkin race cars being built, decorated, and raced. It is such a treat to all be on one campus! Thank you again to all of the parent volunteers the help in organization and the (mostly) healthy snacks.

a student in her halloween costume

The one day a year when high school students act like "kids."

students in a conga line

Conga line!

students in costume for halloween

Devil on a dino?

TEA students in halloween costumes

Smiles for miles.

students in costume smile for the camera

The teachers were not to be outdone!

students in costume smile for the camera

Amazing costumes parents!

students in costume smile for the camera


elementary student in an iron man costume

Mini-Iron Man even made an appearance!

student in costume smiles for the camera


students in costume talking to each other

Did somebody say pumpkin racing?!?!

a teacher in costume smiles for the camera

Look at that craftsmanship!

a student with her pumpkin car at the starting line

Rrrrrready to rrrrrace?!?!

students designing their pumpkin racers

When in doubt, ask Nate!

a student in costume at the race starting line

Racers ready....

the beginning of the pumpkin race

We are racing!

pumpkin racer rolling down the track


students in costume smile for the camera

Thanks again to everyone for the amazing day!