TEA Pre-K Cross Country Ski Adventures
TEA Pre-K Students Embark on Winter Cross Country Skiing Adventures
One thing is for sure, the Pre-K program at TEA is unlike any other. Adventures are a daily occurrence and sometimes, the adventures take our students to far and away places like Squaw Valley and the Tahoe Cross Country (XC) Ski Area. Throughout the winter, our Pre-K kids spend one day a week on cross-country skiing outings. Through experiences like these, TEA students learn how to lead healthy and active lifestyles while engaging with the natural world around them.
The winter of cross-country ski adventures kicks off with a day of gear fitting and outdoor exploration at the Tahoe XC Area. After the students are fit for their boots, they explore the XC trails and have a big play in the snow. In between bursts of laughter, students are overheard saying…
“Snow is sugar!”
“It’s too cold!”
“We’re not going to make it to the Totem Poles!”
“Noooo, I don’t want to leeeeave!”
These “overheards” pretty much sum up the visit to the Tahoe XC Center to do boot and ski fittings. The kids are eager to try the boots and skis on. Getting to play in the snow stokes their outdoor enthusiasm. Granted after an hour or so, some bee-line for a warm bus while others keep playing with Jack Frost.
When the Pre-K students are on winter adventures, we see so much activity and discovery… balancing, bush-walking, snow angels, eating snow, rolling in it, making nests with pine cone eggs. They are creative, happy little people inspired and led by wonderful teachers!
Next, the Pre-K kids venture to Squaw Valley for their first official cross-country ski trip. They met members of our ski community, practice using their new ski gear and even get to ride the funitel. Our teacher Ms. Steph likes to race the students down the mountain on her snowboard while the students ride the funitel.
Who do you think typically wins?