Tahoe Expedition Academy is a PreK-12th-Grade Private School located in Martis Valley, between the north shore of Lake Tahoe and the town of Truckee, California. Powered by Constructive Adversity®, TEA is redesigning the world of education to empower creative problem solvers with a social conscience.
The intentional construction of and engagement with adverse environments in order to build character,
promote ethical engagement, and create knowledge and skills.
Is TEA Right For You?
Our Approach is Simple: Everyone who wants to reach their potential should apply. In order to provide the best possible learning environment, we want to enroll students and families who are the right fit for our school.
While income from tuition is a necessity for our operations, we are committed to making our unique educational program accessible to those who value the experience they will gain from TEA.
Walking the Walk
In contrast to most independent schools, a large portion of our operating budget is dedicated to financial aid. In fact, 33% of our student body receives some type of financial aid.
This means that regardless of your financial situation, a TEA education is completely within reach. And that includes all adventures and trips, the cost of which is included in tuition. We cannot overstate what an important difference this makes.