2019 Commencement Ceremony Videos and Photos
Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
The Tahoe Expedition Academy Class of 2019 was our third-ever graduating class. For ease of viewing, we’ve broken the ceremony into several sections so you can pick and choose which parts you’d like to watch.
Our High School Program Director Mara Jenkins kicked off the 2019 TEA Commencement Ceremony by framing the uniqueness of our program and the uniqueness of our graduates…”all 4 of them.”
*Please note – we had some audio issues (Protip: replace the batteries in wireless remotes before big events – ALWAYS) so there are occasional gaps in audio recording. Our apologies.
Charlie Barrett Commencement Speech
Parting words of wisdom from TEA 2019 Graduate Charlie Barrett including some advice for our current students, specifically how to “game the Mastery Grading system.” Note – we actually want students to game it 😉
TEA Athletic Director Eric Martin Commencement Speech
Amazing “real-world” words of wisdom from Eric Martin, TEA Athletics, and Activities Director that include tips on assessing your roommates, washing machines, parking, relationships, and dorm cafeteria food.
Cody LaPlante Commencement Speech
Cody takes the stage to appreciate everyone at TEA who not only believed in our graduates but also pushed them to become the best versions of themselves.
Taylor Simmers Commencement Speech
TEA Co-Founder Taylor Simmers shares stories of trials and tribulations experienced by the graduating class of 2019.
Ava Morgan Commencement Speech
Ava Morgan shares the story of the adversity she faced and the decisions she made to ultimately make it to this graduation ceremony.