TEA PreK Students Learn How People and Pets Take Care of One Another
Tahoe Expedition Academy PreK students recently toured the Humane Society of Truckee as part of their learning expedition.
Our field study to the Humane Society of Truckee was quite a success!
Our overarching guiding questions for this expedition were:
- How do I take care of myself?
- How do people take care of dogs (pets)?
- How do dogs (pets) take care of people?
Erin Ellis, Volunteer and Humane Education Program Manager, gave the Pre-K a mini-lesson on animals and their habitats. After the lesson Erin read a short story on taking care of pets. After a full tour of the facility, we meet Roo who serves as the mascot for the Humane Society and is also a certified service dog. We are looking forward to our next visit there where we will meet all kinds of dogs with jobs – from seeing eye dogs and police dogs to avalanche dogs and more!

FYI: The upcoming play The Odd Couple by Truckee Community Theater is taking a portion of the proceeds to benefit the Humane Society!