
TEDx by TEA: Eric and Tom

EDx by TEA: Luke Janssen

Luke Janssen went to a local garden and was inspired after learning more in depth about climate change. But when he found out the cost of the greenhouse was 5,000 dollars he felt there had to be a better way.

The Pre-K Challenge Hike

The Challenge Hike was an opportunity for the big kids to aid in the passage and perseverance of the littler Pre-K kids. On this 6 mile journey, the Pre-K crew members carry their own packs and are teamed up with an older buddy.

Tahoe Expedition Academy Students Sing National Anthem

TEA students of all ages sang the national anthem and one lucky student Kate Geis threw out the first pitch at the Reno Aces game on May 16th, 2016. TEA students raised money for their school and sold over 100 tickets to the game.

TEA 6th Grade and Pre-K Crews Put in Work at the Truckee Bike Park

The 6th Grade Crew and the Pre-K Crew spent time at the Truckee Bike Park learning about bike safety. All hands were in the dirt helping with trail clearing, and trail clean-up while learning about bike park rules and safety. Clearing the track of pine needles and pine cones was no easy task.

Field Study: Human Impacts on Ecosystems in the Chesapeake Bay

Students travel to Washington DC and the Chesapeake Bay to study human impacts on environments, geography and culture over time

Blackwood Crew Pays Tribute: Veteran’s Guest House

The Blackwood Crew visited the Veterans Guest House with arms full of food that they had prepared, as well as the Veteran Affairs hospital where they gifted the Veterans hand crafted cards that they had made.

Tahoe Expedition Academy Field Study Video: Snow Creek

Check out this video where our first grade crew does the work of real scientists on this learning expedition.

A Classroom in the Southwest: Exploring the Legacy of the American Dream at the Four Corners

To understand the impacts of the Legacy of the American Dream on ancient civilizations and Native American communities (both historical and contemporary), students traveled among what remains of some of the most ancient civilizations in the world, and definitively the USA.

Why We Love Our Small Mountain Towns

People like us who live in small mountain towns know the value of community. We rely on each other to plow driveways, to get a ride when our car breaks down or to watch our kids so the adults can have a date night.

Observing the “Super Bloom” in Death Valley

Peak Experiences live at the heart of our school’s DNA. These experiences (a.k.a. field trips on steroids) effectively balance and integrate academics, character and adventure. They push students to their limits, embody constructive adversity and create tight-knit bonds between crew members.