
Pre-K Kiddos Go Cross Country Skiing at Squaw Valley

The Castle Peak Crew did a tremendous job of facing all of TEA’s character building traits during their cross-country ski outing to Squaw Valley. Each year, these XC ski trips are an absolute student favorite. They are the epitome of character building for these three and four-year-olds.

What Makes TEA Unique? A 2nd-Grader’s Perspective

Our 2nd-graders are studying the different ways people learn during their Schools and Community Learning Expedition. The students are seeking to understand what schools are and why they are important.

Learning About What Unites and Divides Us in the Windy City

Our group of HS students had an immense goal when they set out to study Unity and Division, and the students far exceeded what we thought we could cover. After 10 days in Chicago, students walked away with a better understanding of power, privilege, and identity, and what an individual can do to make the world a little bit better.

A Letter About #GivingTuesday at TEA from Taylor Simmers

I hope you will consider giving to an organization that has meant a lot to you or means a lot to the world; it does good and feels good. Thank you for giving to your causes, whatever they may be. More giving. More doing.

Roundtable Discussion With Chicago Activist and Mayoral Candidate Ja’Mal Green

While on a field study in Chicago to learn about what divides us as humans and ways to unite us in spite of those differences, 10th graders at Tahoe Expedition Academy had a roundtable discussion with activist and mayoral candidate Ja’Mal Green.

Friday Hearth Little Library and Special Guest

Our Lower School had an extra special Friday Forum this past week as the 3rd Grade, Martis Peak Crew, presented their “Little Library” to share with the entire school. Thank you to Truckee mayor, Carolyn Wallace for attending!

Learning About Atmospheric, Soil and Climate Science in California’s Wilderness

Are you interested in the “why” of the highly varied ecosystems in California? If so, this is the kind of TEA learning experience that’s just for you.

A Week in the Life of a TEA Pre-K Student

It’s hard work being a Pre-K kiddo at TEA. You’re always on the move meeting with real-world experts and going on amazing adventures. Granted there is an optional nap period each day, but somehow you manage to fit it all in.

Introducing the 2018-19 TEA Student Council

This past week the Middle and High School students had their Student Body Elections for the first time ever in the new building. It was exciting to see our students fill the new space and share their vision for the school. Meet the students and learn more about what they each hope to accomplish this year.

Got Character?

This crew of students and teachers hiked 50 miles over 5 days and 4 nights from Meeks Bay to Tahoe City on the Tahoe Rim Trail. Along the way, they’d face physical and mental adversity head-on.

First Graders Learn About the Tools Farmers Use at the Truckee Farmers Market

For their first semester learning expedition, our 1st-Grade Chickadee Crew is studying the tools people use and the work people do. To experience this first-hand, the students took a trip to the Truckee Farmers Market.