Biathlon TEAm at Sugar Bowl Academy and Royal Gorge
This past Friday our Biathlon TEAm traveled to Sugar Bowl Academy and Royal Gorge for a day of competitive Nordic racing. It was an impressive showing by our enthusiastic TEAm.
Understanding Systems of the Body in Order to Make Positive Choices for Your Health
Throughout this semester-long Intensive, our high school students have studied multiple body systems to understand how the environment, plus what you put in your body, can affect it.
Representing TEA at the Annual Tahoe Economic Summit
This year, Interim Head of School Ken Martin represented Tahoe Expedition Academy at the 2018 Tahoe Economic Summit. The Tahoe Prosperity Center recently released this video from the event. TEA is featured in it (thanks Ken!), so please take a look!
Is Water a Commodity or Is It a Basic Human Right?
This fall, 12 of our high school students and two of our teachers tackled the complex issues around water rights in their Water Scarcity Learning Expedition. To experience this first hand, students went on a 10-day immersive experience from the Hoover Dam to the Salton Sea.
How Has Humanity Adapted to and Affected Change Over Time?
As part of our Middle School Learning Expedition titled “Balance of Power” TEA students traveled to Las Vegas to better understand the changing nature of power within a political, social, and natural context.
Exploring Yosemite to Understand the Purpose of Art and Our Ethical Duty to the Wilderness
As part of our 4th-grade Fall Learning Expedition titled “Poetry, Poets, and Becoming Writers”, our students examined the purpose of art alongside our ethical duty to the wilderness. Fortunately for us, we need to look no further than the works of John Muir and Yosemite National Park to put these concepts together.
What Makes You Unique?
For their Pre-K Learning Expedition titled “I am UNIQUE, I am ENOUGH!”our 4 and 5-year-olds are learning how to notice similarities and differences while also learning how to give and receive appreciations.
Examining the Criminal Justice System
For their student-designed Expedition, our group of 11th and 12th-grade students definitely picked an interesting subject to explore. In true TEA fashion, they took learning out of the classroom and into the field to investigate the criminal justice system, high recidivism rates in the United States, and figure out how to support reintegration.
Elementary School Winter Challenge Day at TEA
The students had their share of challenges spending their entire day outside during less-than-ideal weather, enduring a very windy day on campus. They persevered as they learned about the challenges one may face hiking and camping in the wilderness.
Pre-K Kiddos Go Cross Country Skiing at Squaw Valley
The Castle Peak Crew did a tremendous job of facing all of TEA’s character building traits during their cross-country ski outing to Squaw Valley. Each year, these XC ski trips are an absolute student favorite. They are the epitome of character building for these three and four-year-olds.
What Makes TEA Unique? A 2nd-Grader’s Perspective
Our 2nd-graders are studying the different ways people learn during their Schools and Community Learning Expedition. The students are seeking to understand what schools are and why they are important.