Learning About What Unites and Divides Us in the Windy City

Our group of HS students had an immense goal when they set out to study Unity and Division, and the students far exceeded what we thought we could cover. After 10 days in Chicago, students walked away with a better understanding of power, privilege, and identity, and what an individual can do to make the world a little bit better.

Elementary School Art Update by Joe Taylor

This semester students are working on one long term target “I can identify and use the elements of art and the principles of design in my artwork to communicate ideas about the world.”

TEA Student Council Camp Fire Fundraiser

TEA Student Council is hosting an online fundraiser for our holiday service project this season that will go towards the recovery efforts of the Camp Fire.

A Letter About #GivingTuesday at TEA from Taylor Simmers

I hope you will consider giving to an organization that has meant a lot to you or means a lot to the world; it does good and feels good. Thank you for giving to your causes, whatever they may be. More giving. More doing.

The New Field on the Martis Valley Campus is OPEN!

Thank you to the Martis Valley Education Foundation (MVEF) for creating this incredible field for the community to use. 

Progress Update on Our New Early Childhood Education Center

A new Early Childhood Education (ECE) Center is coming to Tahoe Expedition Academy this year. The building is coming along nicely with the foundation set and walls going up!

Roundtable Discussion With Chicago Activist and Mayoral Candidate Ja’Mal Green

While on a field study in Chicago to learn about what divides us as humans and ways to unite us in spite of those differences, 10th graders at Tahoe Expedition Academy had a roundtable discussion with activist and mayoral candidate Ja’Mal Green.

Friday Hearth Little Library and Special Guest

Our Lower School had an extra special Friday Forum this past week as the 3rd Grade, Martis Peak Crew, presented their “Little Library” to share with the entire school. Thank you to Truckee mayor, Carolyn Wallace for attending!

Learning About Atmospheric, Soil and Climate Science in California’s Wilderness

Are you interested in the “why” of the highly varied ecosystems in California? If so, this is the kind of TEA learning experience that’s just for you.

Expert Visits – Tahoe Fund & Tahoe Resource Conservation District

Amy Berry, CEO of The Tahoe Fund and Brenna Blessing, community educator from the Tahoe Resource Conservation District met with Island Vibes Learning Intensive students to share the amazing work their organizations are doing to protect and enhance the Tahoe region.

A Week in the Life of a TEA Pre-K Student

It’s hard work being a Pre-K kiddo at TEA. You’re always on the move meeting with real-world experts and going on amazing adventures. Granted there is an optional nap period each day, but somehow you manage to fit it all in.