Field Study: Human Impacts on Ecosystems in the Chesapeake Bay
Students travel to Washington DC and the Chesapeake Bay to study human impacts on environments, geography and culture over time
Blackwood Crew Pays Tribute: Veteran’s Guest House
The Blackwood Crew visited the Veterans Guest House with arms full of food that they had prepared, as well as the Veteran Affairs hospital where they gifted the Veterans hand crafted cards that they had made.
Tahoe Expedition Academy Field Study Video: Snow Creek
Check out this video where our first grade crew does the work of real scientists on this learning expedition.
A Classroom in the Southwest: Exploring the Legacy of the American Dream at the Four Corners
To understand the impacts of the Legacy of the American Dream on ancient civilizations and Native American communities (both historical and contemporary), students traveled among what remains of some of the most ancient civilizations in the world, and definitively the USA.
Why We Love Our Small Mountain Towns
People like us who live in small mountain towns know the value of community. We rely on each other to plow driveways, to get a ride when our car breaks down or to watch our kids so the adults can have a date night.
Observing the “Super Bloom” in Death Valley
Peak Experiences live at the heart of our school’s DNA. These experiences (a.k.a. field trips on steroids) effectively balance and integrate academics, character and adventure. They push students to their limits, embody constructive adversity and create tight-knit bonds between crew members.
Thinking Outside of the “Box”
Over the course of the fall semester, our middle school class of 22 students looked at the world through the lens of innovation. We investigated the modern Maker Movement and culture that started it, agricultural innovations of ancient civilizations as well as literary innovations and movements.
Nature is Good for Kids: A Snow Creek Pond Case Study
As parents, we know that nature is good for kids. Green Spaces Make Kids Smarter. They can explore, create, play and get dirty. They can observe wildlife, develop physical strength and stamina and make some meaning of their young lives.
Tahoe Expedition Academy Field Study Video: Lake Tahoe Hot Shots
Our students get to experience things “exhilarating and so amazing.” That’s an actual quote about a student’s learning experience. Needless to say this 6th Grade Crew’s “Fire” expedition will never be forgotten.
Max Loughan’s Free Energy Device
As an EL Education school, we pride ourselves on creating high quality products for authentic audiences and providing opportunities for students to do service learning in our community and abroad.