2021-22 Yearbook

Congratulations to the Yearbook class on producing another epic volume of the TEA Yearbook. Here’s a digital flipbook version for all to enjoy!

The Water Song: Performed by the 2022 2nd-Grade Crew

This Water Song was written to express loving gratitude for the water and raise the consciousness and connection with Mother Nature’s greatest gift.

TEA in the News!

Channel 2 News Reno joined us to learn more about culturally responsible tourism!

Ms. Steph’s Pre-K kiddos have been focusing on their 4 legged friends!

They talked with experts at the Pet Network, met Jackson the avalanche dog at Palisades Tahoe, and hosted an ER vet! Then they took action by holding a doggie treat bake sale to benefit the Truckee Tahoe Humane Society.

Matilda The Musical Re-cap: Video Recording, Photo Galleries and Appreciations

Our hearts and buckets are full with appreciation for the cast and crew behind the performance of “Matilda The Musical,” a captivating masterpiece that revels in the anarchy of childhood, the power of imagination and the inspiring story of a girl who dreams of a better life. Thank you Nina, Katie, Beth, Alex, Norah, Toby, Veronica and the parents of our cast!

TEA High School Student Honored for Poem in Asto-Poetry Contest

On April 23, 2022, Maya West, our very own 9th grader was honored in Reno at the Terry Wells Nevada Discovery Museum. Maya took 2nd place in her division in this year’s astropoetry contest sponsored by Tahoe Star Tours. Maya’s eloquent and beautiful poem beat out hundreds of other entries, and she won a pair of binoculars to boot! Excellent job, Maya!

We The People

As a capstone to their “We The People” project, our 5th-grade students ran a mock hearing with a panel of judges consisting of TEA faculty and administration. We hope you enjoy the video recording!

Lost Coast Trail – Learning How to Push Through Hard Things

In early March, the 8th-Grade students traveled to California’s Lost Coast. They embarked on a 26 mile backpacking trip, and worked together to persevere through physically challenging and demanding situations. While much of the trip focused on the physical aspect, we asked questions like: How and why would we push through hard things? What lessons can we learn and take away from working through challenging situations?

The academic focus of the trip honed in on aspects of travel writing. How do we write in a way that weaves in an emotional and physical aspect of an experience? How do we shed light on our personal perspective when experiencing a place?

High School STEAM Design Challenge

Our 9th and 10th graders recently did battle in our own version of Medieval Warfare, in the first ever “Siege of TEA — A Game of Thrones Story.”

They were given an open-ended challenge to launch a grapefruit as far as they could. Using a $200 budget they had to engage in a week-long engineering design process, inclusive of planning, budgeting, shopping, building, testing, iterating and finally…competing!

TEA Winter Celebration of the Arts

The Arts are alive and well at Tahoe Expedition Academy and, in typical TEA fashion, take on many forms. On Saturday, March 19th we had our first all-school in-person event in quite a while in order to celebrate the creativity our students encompass.

TEA 10th grade student places 2nd in nation-wide “Voices of Democracy” Essay Contest

We are so proud to announce that our very own 10th grade student, Cameron Tatara, has placed 2nd in this nation-wide contest with over 60,000 entrants. Please help us in congratulating Cameron on this well-deserved win!