Senior Spotlight: Callie Ross

Callie will be attending San Diego State University


What advice do you have for TEA students?

My advice for TEA students is not to get sucked into the drama. It can be hard not to internalize people’s words and actions but it is imperative for your mental health to stay away from negativity and be the best person you can be.



What will you miss about TEA?

I will miss the one-on-one learning. Being able to ask for help from your teachers and them taking time out of their busy day is something I really appreciate about this school.



Callie's Senior Intensive Summary:

Callie Ross had always been interested in learning and education. As a senior in high school, she knew she wanted to focus her senior intensive on a topic related to education. After doing some research, she became fascinated with the concept of learning differences within education systems.

Callie knew that learning differences could have a significant impact on student’s educational experiences. Some students might struggle to learn in traditional classroom settings, while others might excel with a different approach. Callie wanted to explore these differences and find out what solutions could be made to improve the education system for all students.

She reached out to experts in the field, hoping to gain insights and learn from their experiences. As she conducted interviews and researched her topic, Callie began to see the bigger picture of how learning differences could affect students’ lives. She realized that the education system could do more to accommodate different learning styles and abilities.

Callie’s passion for her topic and her dedication to her senior intensive paid off. By the end of her project, she had gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding about learning differences and education systems. She had also come up with some ideas and solutions that she believed could help improve the education system for all students.

Callie felt proud of her accomplishments and was excited to share her findings with her classmates and teachers. She knew that her senior intensive had given her a unique opportunity to explore a topic she was passionate about and make a positive impact on the education system.



From Callie's Family

“Callie, we hope your life continues to be full of laughter, adventures and fighting for what’s right! You have so much love and support as you continue your journey! Love, Mom, Dalton, Dayne, Couper, Jayda, Liam, Eli, Dad, Yati, Maya, Fin, Grandma and Bompa.”